10 years ago
“Nous partîmes 70…” “We left 70…” on May 22, 2011, from Lessines, by bike. We travelled on bicycle to go see, in the countryside, talking…
29 June 2021 | ccrm |Le Petit Lac
On the music of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake rearranged in acurrent and variegated style, two Circassian acrobats, white swan and swan black, invent a Circassian ballet.Fragilities,…
ccrm |To Bee Queen
“We are in a beehive, the Queen arrives among her bees (the members of the audience) for an emergency union meeting.The bees are on strike,…
ccrm |SARL Nature
Ils s’appellent Aat et Karel et ils ont pris à bras le corps (et au pied de la lettre) la mission de rebâtir un monde…
21 June 2021 | ccrm |